For my latest project in Blender, I ventured into the realm of retro digitalization with a 3D model of an antique gramophone. This endeavor aimed to blend nostalgia with digital craftsmanship, focusing solely on materials to highlight its vintage allure. I think retro design had very beautiful shapes, something that always catches my attention.
Using Blender, I meticulously ensured polygonal correctness, adhering strictly to four-sided polygons (quads) to maintain optimal geometry and facilitate smooth shading. This approach was crucial in preserving the gramophone's details and accuracy.
a glimpse of my Blender screen
Instead of textures, I utilized Blender's material properties to recreate the gramophone's antique metallic appearance. Careful consideration was given to lighting setup, strategically placed to enhance the metal's sheen and evoke the nostalgic charm of the era it represents.

The rendering phase aimed to capture the essence of the gramophone's craftsmanship through high-resolution images. By focusing on details and lighting, I aimed to convey its elegance and timeless appeal in a digital format.
This was my first project in Blender. It not only honed my skills in precise 3D quad modeling and material handling but also allowed me to explore the fusion of retro aesthetics with modern digital tools.​​​​​​​

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