In this challenging project, I created a short animated film featuring an astronaut named Paulo. The film tells the story of Paulo's journey back to Earth, his temptation by a potential discovery, and the subsequent struggle to repair his ship after a crash landing on an unknown planet. As Paulo wanders the planet, he explores various solutions until he discovers an innovative way to repair his ship. This case study outlines the creative and technical processes involved in bringing Paulo's compelling narrative to life through visually striking animation.

Before starting to draw, I created the story and the script.​​​​​​​ I made quick sketches, pre-selected a suitable color palette to convey Paulo's emotions and planned camera movements to explore different points of view, enhancing the narrative and visual impact.
Then, using Procreate, I illustrated and animated Paulo frame by frame, bringing his character and story to life with attention to detail. I used various brushes and textures to give depth and personality to Paulo and his environment, ensuring that each frame contributed to the overall mood and atmosphere of the film.
Finally, I assembled the animation with Premiere Pro, incorporating sound effects and music to create a cohesive and immersive short film. The entire process took me approximately two weeks to complete while working and studying at the same time.

Here, the final result:
This project taught me valuable lessons about storytelling, character development, and the technical aspects of 2D animation and post-production. The experience has significantly improved my animation skills and my ability to convey complex emotions through visual media.

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